Winning my first hackathon in 2017.
User Experience Design, Cert #53321 Springboard 2016
A Message from Maja
After years designing for tech in Silicon Valley, I’ve come to specialize in strategic storytelling for fundraising. With a background in design and visual communication, I have also been a founder myself, and spent a number of years in the startup scene here in San Francisco. With decades of experience under my belt, my passion lies with working directly with founders on how to best tell their story. My strategy, design, and storytelling for pitch decks have helped secure over $12M in seed funding in the past 2 years alone.
My work combines pithy copy, data visualization and imagery to support your most persuasive story or pitch. I'll craft content that will make people sit up and lean forward in their seats. Whether your audience be an investor, a prospect or a large audience over Zoom, I'll help you create a deck compelling enough to stand out in a world plagued by distractions and ADHD.